
Many thanks to everyone who attended the AGM earlier in the month

For those that were unable to attend, the following agenda items were discussed:

  • Phil Harnby and Maxine Pott from RMT presented the Alliance’s first annual accounts. Members agreed the accounts, which will now be filed with Companies House. If anyone would like a copy, please just let us know.
  • Following on from the discussion at the Engagement Event in September, a membership fee of 25p per patient was proposed for the 2016 calendar year. Members felt that this fairly reflected the value that the Alliance was now bringing to the sector and agreed to the fee proposal. Invoices will be issued in due course.
  •  Due to the resignation of Dr Fadi Khalil, who has taken up a post on the CCG’s Executive Committee, the Alliance has asked Dr James Bell to join the Board on an interim basis. Like Fadi, James is from the West locality and is heavily involved in Integrated Teams. Later in the year, the Alliance will hold elections to fill the vacant position and any vacancies created by the retirement of existing directors at the end of their two-year term. (So that all directors don’t retire at the same time, current terms of office are a mix of two and four years.)
  • Two new practices, Roker Family Practice and Pennywell Medical Centre have asked to become members of the Alliance. Admitting new members requires shareholders to pass an ordinary resolution – the approval of over 50% of shareholders – and members will be asked to vote on the resolution by email over the next couple of weeks. Members who attended the AGM were offered the opportunity to discuss any concerns.
  • Members were advised that Sunderland CCG have issued an Invitation to Tender for an APMS contract, an amalgamation of three existing APMS contracts that are now due to be re-let. Members were strongly supportive of the Alliance considering submitting a response to the ITT, but acknowledged that it would be a difficult contract to deliver effectively from both a practical and financial point of view. Directors were tasked with evaluating the opportunity more fully, and submitting a bid on behalf of the Alliance if they felt it was in the best interests of the organisation.