After many successful years in the role, Dr Martin Weatherhead has recently stepped down from his role as Chair of Sunderland GP Alliance. Martin has overseen the development of the Alliance since its inception in February 2015, and leaves the organisation as a thriving federation supporting the sustainability of General Practice in Sunderland and delivering better services for patients. Martin has accepted a position as Chair of the All Together Better Alliance (ATBA) Executive Group, a collaboration overseeing the integration and reform of the out-of-hospital sector in the city, and we have no doubt that he will be equally successful in his new position. Martin remains a director of SGPA.

Our new Chair is Dr James Bell who was unanimously elected by his fellow directors. James has been a GP in Sunderland for nearly twenty years, and a director of the Alliance since December 2015. Over that time he has helped implement many of our successful projects, including Health Pathways and the hub and spoke Ambulatory ECG service. James is looking forward to building on the success of the organisation to date and continuing to serve the interests of our member practices, and we know you’ll join us in wishing him well in his new role.