In June we will be launching an ambulatory ECG service to enable GPs to request a 24 – 72 hour ECG in the community.

Currently this service is only available via referral to Community Cardiology or CHS Cardiology. The new service should allow patients to receive appointments more quickly, and all test results will be accompanied by a cardiologist’s report to the referring GP.

This service will operate on a hub and spoke basis, and we have now selected the hub sites in accessible locations across the city, with presence in every locality. We will be launching the service at TITO so Technomed (the provider) will be contacting practices soon to enable registration on the ECG Cloud referral service. There will be short training videos available but the service is really easy to use and completely secure. We will also be attending locality meetings to provide information on the service.

The service will run within the localities until the end of March 2017 in order for us to evaluate this example of primary care working collaboratively and at scale. We really encourage enveryone to engage with this service to allow us to assess the demand, the benefits to GPs and the benefits to patients.

If you have any queries around this project, again, please feel free to get in touch [email protected]