Early indications are that the Community Integrated Teams are beginning to impact on non-elective admissions in Sunderland, so congratulations to all involved in this tremendous achievement.

The most recent available statistics show that, in the period prior to October 2015 – the period before Integrated Teams – admissions increased by 8.4%. This is in line with the regional and national picture. However, since October last year, admissions have increased by only 1.8%; admissions elsewhere in the country have continued to increase at between 8% and 10%.

This equates to 140 fewer admissions per month, or approximately 1,700 per year.

This is a fantastic result, and we would like to thank everyone who has worked hard to implement this project.

More detailed information is available at both a practice and locality level.

If you are experiencing difficulty accessing this performance information within your locality, or wish to discuss any aspect of Community Integrated Teams, please do not hesitate to contact Judith Taylor, Contract Delivery Manager, 0191 516 6076 or [email protected].