The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for GP input into Community Integrated Teams has been issued to Practices in July with a view to sign up by the end of July.

The main changes to the SLA include:

  • Frequency of MDT Meetings
  • Frequency of MDT Meetings
  • MDT meetings specific to Care Homes and Palliative Patients.
  • Risk Stratification of 2% adult population, supported by business intelligence dashboards.
  • All Care Home Patients to have a care plan in place.
  • Quarterly audits, by MDTs, of patients admitted to hospital.
  • Changes to funding formulas to support delivery of the above.

The SLA was developed following consultation with GPG and the CCG and has been re-launched across July, supported by the MDT Coordinators, to assist practices in maximising their effectiveness to deliver the above. Practices are encouraged to take up all offers of support by the Coordinators to realise the opportunity of the new SLA, which should maximise the impact of Multi-Disciplinary working in the final year of the Vanguard Programme.

If you have questions or need further clarity please contact your MDT co-ordinator, Ashleigh Gordon-Pucci or Tara McGwinn.