The current Service Level Agreement for GP input into Community Integrated Teams is under review to ensure that the final year of delivery takes into consideration all of the learning to date and maximises the impact on Patient outcomes.

An initial draft was circulated via the May GPG inviting any comments. This has been further amended ready for submission to the CCG for contract negotiation in June.

The main changes to the SLA include:

  • Frequency of MDT Meetings
  • MDT meetings specific to Care Homes and Palliative Patients.
  • Risk Stratification of 2% adult population, supported by business intelligence dashboards.
  • All Care Home Patients to have a care plan in place.
  • Quarterly audits, by MDTs, of patients admitted to hospital.
  • Changes to funding formulas to support delivery of the above.

Following contract negotiations the SLA will be relaunched, supported by the MDT Coordinators, to assist practices in maximising their effectiveness to deliver the above. This re-launch will be coordinated with the re-launch of the MDT process as part of the final year of the Vanguard and the MDT Compact.