You’re not Alone

Encouraging and supporting young people in their engagement with creativity as a self-help tool.

You’re not Alone is an online wellbeing resource formed in Sunderland as part of the Young People’s Project at Washington Mind. Our purpose is to support and encourage young people in their engagement with creativity as a self-help tool, especially when experiencing loneliness.

We want to celebrate the strength of young people by recognising the difficult conditions they are currently experiencing, by acknowledging everyone’s individual experiences of loneliness and showcasing how resourceful they truly are.

Creativity and Wellbeing
Expressing yourself through creative mediums can be used as a distraction tool, to help contemplate our thoughts and feelings, and as a means of self-development.

Creativity is uniqueness, inventiveness, and originality. That’s why being creative can be so useful as a self-help tool, it’s unique to you, invented by you and original; it’s yours.

The aim of this booklet…
Each activity will present you with a different ways of using art to cope with adverse feelings such as loneliness. From this, we hope that you may find a way of using art as a self-help tool.

Download a PDF of the Creative Booklet: Art