Medical Indemnity Insurance


As you will be aware, the Alliance has negotiated a 2.5% discount on indemnity fees for all member practices who take out their policies with MDDUS.  This will increase to 5% if another 15 GPs who weren’t already members join the scheme.

The discount will be applied on renewal or when you take out your first policy.  An average sized practice should save about £800 per year, doubling to £1,600 if we hit the next threshold.

However, there is an opportunity to access further discounts if we can reduce the MDO’s assessment of the risk faced by practices.  To take this forward, we are setting up a working group to meet with MDDUS one Wednesday afternoon in February or March next year.  MDDUS will be sending up their Director of Development, Medical Legal Advisors and Underwriters from London as this is new territory for all involved.  The agenda will cover: corporate and clinical governance; standards and protocols including Map of Medicine; policies such as recruitment and complaints handling; use of external information such as CQC inspections; serious incident reporting; QOF or local scheme achievement; compliance and audit.  The idea is that practices who can demonstrate, say, compliance with certain protocols will receive further discounts on fees.


We’d really like some volunteers to join the working group.  At this stage, there is only a commitment to attend one Wednesday afternoon session (lunch included!).  Depending on the outcomes of the session, further work may follow for those with the interest and availability.  Backfill costs, at the usual CCG rates, will be paid.