Digitalisation of Lloyd George records

Feedback from the SGPA engagement event told us that practices in Sunderland are interested in the possibility of trying to digitalise all Lloyd George records in Sunderland.

In doing so this would possibly reduce costs in rentals for storage rooms, releasing these to either be used clinically or purely cost savings. Obvious other benefits are reduced risk in information governance having these records completely digitalised and in non-paper format and hosted in your current patient records.

Due to this was are investigating multiple systems that would allow us to do this, how much it would cost and how much discount we could potentially accrue in group purchase of such a service.

To be able to do this effectively the alliance would need expressions of interest to be able to work out how many Lloyd George records we have to digitise as costs and discounts directly link to the number of records we have.

To express your interest or find out more information please contact us