Sunderland GP Alliance was set up as a limited company in June 2014 to provide a formal structure for collaborative working between member GP practices in Sunderland.

A board of directors was elected to lead the organisation and they have overseen its development from a fledgling company to a robust and fully operational business. The Board consists of five directors, and whilst the standard term of office is four years, some of the original Board were elected for a two-year term to facilitate retirement by rotation. As such, two directors will retire at the end of October, and elections will be held to fill the vacancies arising. Nominations are now sought from interested candidates.

You should have received two documents. The first outlines the election process which, in outline, is as follows:


21st September 2016 Election process notified to all member practices.
2nd October 2016 Practices to confirm trustee entitled to vote on practice’s behalf.
9th October 2016 Deadline for the submission of nomination forms from interested candidates.
17th October 2016 Issue voting papers to member practices.
31st October 2016 Deadline for receipt of practice votes.
1st November 2016 Election results announced.
16th November 2016 Date of first board meeting post elections.


The second document is an information pack, and nomination form, for those interested in standing for election.  If you haven’t got any of these documents, please let us know and we will forward these by return.  Please keep in mind the deadline for receipt of nomination forms above.