The MDT Coordinators within the Sunderland GP Alliance are in the process of going live with their own instance of EMIS Web Community.

This will enable benefits such as streamlining the MDT process and improving the mechanism for referral into and following the MDT meeting.

There are a number of small changes that will need to be in place to enable the new process to work effectively. We want to keep you as informed as possible, so over the next few weeks we will let you know the details of the new process, which has been reviewed and agreed by the Community Integrated Teams Implementation Group, and the impact any changes will / may have on your current process with the MDT meeting.

Proposed Changes

Managed Referrals – Currently the process for patients being included in the MDT meeting is very paper / email focussed. The proposed future method is via managed referrals from within your EMIS Web system, the same process you currently utilise for referring to Community Nursing.

Cross Organisation Tasks – Currently any actions resulting from the MDT meeting are noted manually, and then sent to the Action Owner by phone or email. The proposed future method is to utilise cross organisation tasks. For practices that agree to this process, actions from the MDT meeting will be sent as tasks by the MDT coordinator. The Action Owner can then complete the task, keeping the MDT coordinator informed of the process, who can then update the Health & Social Care Plan on behalf of the GP practice.

Referrals from MDT meetings – Subject to Information Sharing being in place, MDT coordinators will be able to complete all referrals to other services that result from the MDT discussions, again in most cases this will be processed via managed referrals from within the MDT Coordinators EMIS Web system.

Following review and agreement of the new process by the Community Integrated Teams Implementation Group, we are planning a phased roll out locality by locality. This is to enable MDT coordinators to check the process works effectively and allow training and support resources to be created to support both the MDT coordinator and GP practices as required.

Roll out will commence June 2016. We will update you once dates are confirmed.

For more information please contact Judith Taylor, Contract Delivery Manager, 0191 516 6076 or [email protected].