
Getting the views of members is vitally important to the success of the Alliance.

We always welcome your opinions, comments and suggestions. As a reminder, we thought it worth listing just a few of the ways we let you know what we’re doing, and you can let us know what you think:

  • This Newsletter – sent out every month to staff at all member practices.
  • The General Practice Group – every locality nominates three representatives to attend the GPG (a GP, a Practice Manager and a Nurse). Each representative has committed to keeping their locality up to date with discussions at the GPG, and reflecting the views of their locality when attending. The GPG meets every fortnight.
  • TITO – you should have seen us at most TITOs recently, both presenting and manning a stall. Please come and say hello!
  • Engagement Events – we know you’re busy, and attending extra events isn’t easy, but don’t forget there’s one coming up on 12th October on Exploring Collaborative Working.  You should have received an invite via Eventbrite – and you need to register so we can manage reimbursing you for backfill – but please let us know if you’re having any problems registering.
  • Talk to us – you’ve got our contact details, phone and email, at the BIC, but we’re at your practice a lot of the time too. If Judith isn’t there making sure Integrated Teams are working smoothly, Robin organising the Career Start GPs or Clinical Pharmacists, or Tracey getting an Enhanced Primary Care project of the ground, maybe you’ll see one of our MDT Coordinators or Clinical Pharmacists.  All of us are keen to get your views.
  • Discussion Forum – don’t forget, there’s a discussion forum within the member’s website where you can talk about anything that’s concerning you. You need a log-in – if you don’t have one, just let Toni know.
  • Locality Meetings – we get around as many as we can, and look forward to seeing you at a future meeting.