Tracey Teasdale

As a vanguard MSCP and as part of one of the 18 (NTW) national transformation areas, Sunderland CCG has the offer of £6 per patient available from 2017/18 to support the achievement of the core requirements of The NHS Operational and Planning Guidance in relation to extended GP access.

By September 2017 Sunderland CCG must secure full coverage of extended access to primary medical services, for its population, which provides access to pre-bookable and same day primary medical services appointments in evenings after 6:30pm to provide an additional 1.5 hours a day; and weekends.

The national requirements of the service in 2017 / 18 are to provide an extra 30 minutes of consulting capacity per 1,000 patient population. This equates to 142 hours of additional appointments across Sunderland. In 18/19 the requirement rises to 45 mins per 1,000 population which equates to 213 hours of provision across the city.  Current delivery suggests that the 2017/18 requirement is well within our current capacity.

Currently there are 3 localities delivering extended access services for their patients. The CCG has also allocated an additional £1.50 to pump prime the development of the city wide service.

The Alliance has been asked to undertake the role of integrator. The Alliance now needs to set out how we would secure the full specification to be fully operational by September 2017 working with existing locality providers and practices.

The first step we have taken is to form an extended access working group. If you are interested in joining the group and shaping the city wide plans please contact Tracey Teasdale at the Alliance.