An update from Extended Access following our last Newsletter.  We can report after many months of planning the team working in the service went live at The Galleries, Washington in early May.

This Extended Access hub will be providing further access to additional GP appointments Monday to Friday for patients registered with Washington practices.

This addition to the service results in the Extended Access Service now open in 4 localities where the service runs out of Southwick Health Centre, Riverview Health Centre and Pallion Health Centre providing additional GP access for patients after 6pm Mon – Fri and Weekends.

The team are working on the final 5th hub for patients registered in the Coalfields, which will enable Sunderland to achieve Citywide coverage by the end of August 2017.

The Project Team have completed practice visits at each practice where a brief overview presentation of the service was provided along with and ‘callout’ for staff to support by working in the service.

We continue to develop interest from Clinicians to work within the service via registration onto the ‘rota cloud’. Please contact Tracy Pitcher @SGPA or Chrissie Todd @PallionHC for further details.