Congratulations to Judith Taylor, Contract Delivery Manager, who last week won the General Practice Award for Commissioner of the Year for her fantastic work in making the Community Integrated Teams a reality.

The award – “which asked for nominations for GPs and Practice Managers who have been actively involved in commissioning … an innovative practice-based service that has benefited its local community” was presented by Dr Phil Hammond at London’s Lancaster Hotel, and is a well deserved reward for all of Judith’s efforts over the past eighteen months.

Her nomination was full of testimonials from a range of partners, but we include just one to give you a flavour:

“Having worked in the ever changing NHS for over 25 years you sometimes come across people who genuinely leave an impression on you for their commitment, passion and care.  Judith Taylor is one of those people.  Judith uses her leadership and negotiation skills to support encourage and motivate teams, GPs, Practice Managers and their staff in setting the foundations needed for true integration.  It is my pleasure to work alongside her.”

However, and as always, on receiving her award Judith was quick to point out that the project is a team effort and it is the dedication, innovation and sheer hard work of all who have been involved that have got us to where we are today, and she wishes to pass on her personal thanks to all the colleagues who have worked with her in developing the service.
Congratulations also need to go to Washington’s Common Childhood Illness Project who won the award for Innovators of the Year, and Westbourne and Hetton Practices for their Sexual Health project which won the Clinical Team of the Year category. What an incredible testament to General Practice in Sunderland this is that this one city should win three awards amongst in a high quality national field. Well done all!