GP Available

The Alliance has now recruited 16 GPs into the city through the very successful Career Start scheme, and as it has now been up and running for approximately 18 months, the first GPs are due to be leaving the programme over the next few months.

As such, we will be speaking to the Career Start GPs over the next few weeks to understand their ambitions and the kind of role they would like to move to.  Obviously, we’re all very keen to keep talented GPs in Sunderland, and we will be working with members to see how we can support the GPs’ career aspirations and keep them practising within the city.

In the meantime, we have one GP who will be leaving his current post at the end of February, and who is open to roles with local practices.  He would like to work eight sessions per week, ideally with a route into partnership, and is happy to work out of any location within the city.  He has expressed a preference for medium to larger sized practices.  If you’d like us to set up a conversation with the GP, please get in touch and we’d very happy to facilitate this.