
Medical Indemnity

Members have frequently raised the issue of escalating indemnity costs with the Alliance, and we continue to work with the Medical Defence Organisations to bring you better terms.
Progress has been slow, but we hope to have more concrete news very soon with potential discounts on the cost of your insurance just for being a member of the Alliance.


Ian Dodge, National Director for Commissioning Strategy, will be visiting Sunderland next month. Ian is an Executive Director on the Board of NHS England with responsibility for commissioning strategy, policy, and analysis. His portfolio includes work on stimulating the development of new models of care and he is very interested in the work going on in our city within the Vanguard programme. As always, the Alliance will represent members and ensure Ian understands the essential contribution made by practices to the success of Integrated Teams, and progressive General Practice initiatives such as ambulatory ECG monitoring and Map of Medicine.