Chris qualified in medicine at Newcastle University in 2010. This was his second degree after first obtaining a degree in molecular biology and working in Newcastle University’s haematology research laboratories for 2 years.

He completed his foundation training at South Tyneside Hospital, where he enjoyed the experience of working with the close knit community of health professionals during his time there. Following this he went straight into the GP training program in the Northern deanery, followed by a salaried role at Dr Stephenson and Partner’s, Washington on completion of his GP training.

Several months into working as a 9 session salaried GP, straight after GP training, he realised the pressures of a modern day GP were mounting. He therefore searched for a role that would allow him to specialise in dermatology, an interest he has maintained since medical school but never had a chance to experience in his post-grad training. He heard about the GP career start program, run by Sunderland GP Alliance, through his GP peers and it sounded ideal to meet his needs.

In his role as a Career Start GP Chris works 6 sessions per week as a GP, still with Dr Stephenson and partners, and sees a wide spectrum of common GP complaints and problems. In one of the sessions, he has time with a GP trainer, and at present he is concentrating on building his experience with intra-articular steroid injections. This has been a great boost to his repertoire of GP skills. He has two sessions per week to specialise in dermatology. In addition he has been sitting in clinics at Durhams’ dermatology department, and at Bunny Hill Primary Care Centre as well as planning to complete Cardiff University’s dermatology diploma. He has also completed the RCGP’s minor surgical skills course.

Overall, Chris aims to be a GP with a specialist interest in dermatology. This will allow him to work both in a GP and dermatology setting, and allow him to start developing his skills in minor surgery. The Career Start GP program with the Alliance has allowed him to start this progression.

While at university, Chris attended a few of Norwich City football games with Delia Smith (TV chef fame), through living with her nephew. He now has less spare time with having a 9 month old baby. When he can, he enjoys tinkering with his classic car, walks with his dog, Ted, and fly fishing.