
Sunderland GP Alliance continues to grow, recruiting six MDT Co-ordinators since launching. This month we’d like to introduce Maggie Stewart and her contribution as MDT Co-ordinator to the Alliance.

Maggie began her career working in Human Resources within the NHS at Newcastle General Hospital; this opportunity subsequently led Maggie to work for the newly appointed Chief Executive. Following her role in Human Resources, she was later offered the position of Regional Development Officer for the Citizens Advice – her roles included focusing on personnel and employment related work as well as securing funding from a variety of sources.

Maggie has additionally worked for 9 years as a Project Manager for Sunderland City Council, managing the nationally funded Aimhigher programme and working with education colleagues to support and enhance the opportunities of students across the city who wish to progress into Higher Education.

Her level of gathered expertise means that Maggie is well placed to undertake the MDT Co-ordinator role for Sunderland GP Alliance. Maggie has covered the Washington locality since the end of January and has seen many benefits to the patients within the City as a result of working within a multi disciplinary team; the team input enhances service delivery and provides solutions which support the individual, their family and General Practice.

As a child, Maggie travelled with her parents through Western Europe and Africa in a converted bus, becoming both cultured and educated along the way – returning home just in time for her ‘O’ levels.

Maggie spends her spare time with family and often enjoys viewing live bands and stand up shows. Along with walking and cycling, Maggie is an avid baker and can be relied on to bring cakes to parties as well as MDT meetings.