Map of Medicine saw the end of its first year in operation.

This was a mixture of building the service, engagement and training, then launching the live service to general practice last September.  We here at the SGPA are proud to announce that we hit our proposed target  of 40 pathways for the first year.  We are also proud to share a few statistics that may be of interest:

Total Pathways Viewed: 7221
Referrals made Through Map: 1003
Number of People Used Map: 376

We have a number of new maps being published this month, these are:

Headache – Migraine
Headache – Cluster
Headache – Tension Type
Headache – In Adults
UTI In Females
UTI Recurrent In Females
UTI In Females – Dipstick
UTI In Catheterised Patients
Testicular Cancer Suspected
VBC Guidelines have all been updated to Version 4 with new links
IFR has also been updated to reflect the new VBC Checker protocol

The Map of Medicine team wish to thank you all for your support.  If you wish to help with pathway development please contact the Map team for more info at [email protected].