February has seen the most use of map of medicine to date and continues to be a success.

A fantastic milestone was hit where at least 1 person from every practice has logged in, used or referred through the tool which is brilliant news.  We also hit the0 highest record accesses of the system reaching just over 1,400 maps access within the month.

To continually improve the system we have come to depend on, there is a current need to upgrade the sidebar on all machines in Sunderland.  This is done in the background and will not require anyone to physically do anything. The look and feel won’t change as many of the upgrades are skin deep.  The new sidebar boasts improved referral access times, it’s easier, more straight forward and much more.

The upgrades will be happening week commencing 13th of March and will be done in localities over the period of a week.

If anyone would like further or more in depth details on the upgrade please email [email protected]