NHS 70th Anniversary

Children from local schools joined Sunderland GP Alliance (SGPA) Medical Practices to celebrate the NHS 70th Anniversary by designing timeline bunting to display at The Galleries, Barmston and Pennywell Medical Practices.

School children from Biddick, Barmston and St. Anne’s RC Primary School learned about the NHS by designing timeline bunting depicting the history of the NHS in celebration of the NHS 70th Anniversary on 5th July. The bunting is on display for all staff and patients to see.

Kevin Doran, Practice Manager at The Galleries Medical Centre said,
“We wanted to engage the local community in the NHS 70th Anniversary celebrations and what better way than holding an event with local schools. The creative ideas that the children have developed are fantastic. The designs are on display in our Practices for staff and patients to see. Each school will receive a certificate and a prize for taking part.”

The children presented their timelines to Mr. Jon Twelves, Chief Executive of SGPA and Mr. Ian Ashman, Chair of PPG on Thursday 5th July.

Wendy Fowler, Head teacher at Biddick Primary School said,
“This is an excellent way for our children to learn about the history of the NHS and we are delighted to be involved. Our school is very much part of the community and it is great to see the designs the children have come up with on display in the local Medical Practices.”

The SGPA Medical Practices also held a charity event in aid of St. Benedict’s Hospice on the evening of Friday 6th July 2018 at Wearside Golf Club. There was a range of entertainment and fun activities throughout the evening to help raise funds for this worthy local charity.

Kevin explains,
“As well as involving local schools we also wanted to organise a fun event for all the Medical Practices in Sunderland to join in the NHS 70th Anniversary celebrations while supporting a local charity such as St. Benedict’s Hospice.”

Sunderland GP Alliance is a not-for-profit collaboration of GP practices in Sunderland. Thirty six of the city’s forty GP practices are members of the Alliance, and between them they have over 250,000 patients. All these practices work together, via the Alliance, to help improve services for patients at a time when the NHS is under pressure.

For information about Sunderland GP Alliance please visit www.sunderlandgpalliance.co.uk