The SGPA has been approached by the SCCG to work on a project to introduce a POD telephone line to manage repeat prescriptions from different practices through one central service.

The idea originated in Coventry and Rugby CCG and a growing number of CCGs across the country are adopting it.

The benefits realised in other areas include reduced administration and clinical time for managing repeat prescriptions, good patient satisfaction as patients appreciated discussing their medicine needs, and reduced medicines waste.

In some CCGs, practices have saved 6 to 7% of prescribing costs when they have joined the POD in their area. If you are signing up to the prescribing gain-share scheme then participating in the POD project could support this.

A proposed outline model for delivery of a POD in Sunderland has been submitted to the CCG, where we expect to receive feedback in July.

If you would like further information about the POD or would like to become part of the initial pilot, then please contact [email protected]