The Respiratory post discharge review service started 06.01.2017,  Claire Adams is the respiratory nurse specialist who will be liaising between secondary and primary care to reduce the risk of avoidable hospital admissions. Proforma & pathways shared with locality leads and a  flyer has been distributed.

The Washington based General Post-Discharge Service will wait until the respiratory service is up and running and embedding and we will hope to move ahead with this next month.

The clinics are to be held on a Friday in either the Galleries or Pallion Health Centres, the respiratory nurse specialist is Claire Adams. Claire will liaise appropriately with both primary and secondary care colleagues to minimize the risk of avoidable hospitals admissions.

Claire has been working in a primary care setting for the past ten years; she has worked in a large GP practice as the Respiratory Nurse and maintains a role of Lead Respiratory Nurse in Darlington CCG. She has delivered a number of training projects in Sunderland over the past few years and has developed a rapport with many of the Practice Nurses in Sunderland.

Claire has also recently commenced work with Sunderland University as a guest lecturer in Respiratory disease and Spirometry.