Jill Dury, Practice Nurse at Springwell Medical Group

Since the launch of the SGPA Community Ambulatory ECG service in June we have had some excellent feedback. As you will be aware the process of obtaining an ECG hospital appointment, having the test and then waiting for the results can take between 4 to 8 weeks for a priority referral, much longer in other cases.

With the new SGPA ECG service it is now possible to provide a much more efficient service by removing the lengthy waiting times. There is no need to refer to a hospital and wait for the results. In most cases the whole process can be completed within 5 to 7 days.

Tracey Teasdale, Project Manager at Sunderland GP Alliance said;

“The launch of our Ambulatory ECG service within the General Practice community is a great example of Enhanced Primary Care. The new service allows patients to receive quicker appointments, with all test results being accompanied by a cardiac physiologist’s report to the referring GP.”

Springwell Medical Group based in Sunderland is one of the GP practices’ providing the ECG service. Dr. James Bell from Springwell Medical Group commented;

“During the short time the Ambulatory ECG service has been in operation we have already seen massive benefits. One patient told us how quick and efficient the service was, and how delighted they were that they did not have to wait for a referral to hospital for tests and then wait for the results to come back.”

Using the ECG Cloud link you can choose to make the referral for the patient or print out a list of local hubs and let them make the appointment. Once you have received the ECG report you have the option of obtaining an e-consultation from a consultant cardiologist for further guidance if you wish.

Jill Dury, Practice Nurse at Springwell Medical Group, who regularly uses the ECG equipment commented;

“The technology itself is really easy to use and unobtrusive allowing me to quickly fit the device and upload the results for analysis. For our own practice this has been fantastic in helping improve the high level of service we provide to our patients. The fact that we are one of the hubs supporting other GPs practices’ in Sunderland ensures these patient benefits are passed to practices’ throughout the city as well.”

The introduction of the ECG service is an excellent example of how collaborative working can benefit GPs and patients. The ECG service will run within the localities until the end of March 2017, after which we will evaluate the success of the scheme.

For information about the ambulatory ECG Service please contact Tracey Teasdale on email: [email protected]