SGPA 5 Year Plan

Formed in 2015, Sunderland GP Alliance exists to ensure Sunderland’s General Practice sector has the human and financial resources to deliver high quality care to the city’s residents, and to ensure patients have a positive experience of General Practice at each and every contact. Now, after several years of helping the healthcare system deliver new solutions to the problems we face, and of improving services to patients, we’ve worked with member practices, patients, and partner organisations to develop our strategy for the next five years.

Our strategy is fully aligned to the NHS’ Ten Year Plan, published on 7th January 2019, which prioritises investment in primary and community care, support for General Practice to work collaboratively, and solutions to the workforce shortages across the system. We believe our plans are ambitious but achievable and we look forward to delivering them on behalf of the city. We hope you enjoy reading our strategy and, as always, are happy to take feedback at [email protected]

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