The first Thornfield training sessions on read coding and medical terminology were very well attended, with positive evaluation.

There are still places available on the later courses;

25/04/17 – Clinical Coding Read Version 2 – Trainer is Kay Ellermeyer

26/04/17 – Medical Terminology for Non Clinical Staff – Trainer is Lucy Griffiths  and the

07/06/17 – Clinical Coding Read Version 2 – Trainer is Kay Ellermeyer

08/06/17 – Medical Terminology for Non Clinical Staff – Trainer is Lucy Griffiths

All the Clinical Coding workshops are Half Day PM (13:30-16:30) and all the Medical Terminology are Full Days (09:30-16:30).

15 persons can attend Thornfield’s training.



Practice managers from the first practices attending the HERE training, met with the training lead Christine McNeill on 19.01.2017. This was a useful meeting to ensure that the training being provided was understood and that it met the needs of general practice in Sunderland. First course starts 04.02.2017. Some challenges around the training venue being further explored, the GP Champions will  meet in Ryhope HC for their element of the training.  Some  spaces available on the last training date booked, 20-23.06.2017.