Short update from enhanced primary care this month following the Easter break.

We have started the delivery and implementation process for Map of Medicine across Sunderland with a kick off and clinical content meeting. We will now embark upon a period of reviewing our local priority pathways to ensure they are fit for purpose and accurate before Map goes live in approximately September 2016.

A plea to anyone out there in primary care – GP or nurse – who has an interest in clinical pathways and ensuring they are appropriate for use to get involved by getting in touch with Mark Beadling ([email protected]) or myself ([email protected]), or our clinical lead James Bell from Springwell Medical Group.

Final details are being confirmed before the launch of the hub and spoke ambulatory ECG service, and the insulin initiation service. We have requested expressions of interest for the ECG service, and I expect to be doing the same for the insulin initiation service very soon.

Communication will go out shortly regarding next steps following expressions of interest with a view to getting these services up and running in May / June.

Mark and I will be at the GP Group and we hope to attend locality meetings with more information. I will also be contacting practices who want to use the Mydiagnostick equipment for AF screening.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch, contact me: [email protected]