The third training course on Workflow Optimisation starts May 9th 2017; overall the feedback from the training has been positive, once the training in Sunderland is completed a more comprehensive evaluation will be shared.

We will also visit practices at 3 months and 6 months to review the impact the training has had on the way they manage their workflow on a daily basis. By June 2017, 35 practices in Sunderland will have accessed this training course, attendance by more than 40 administrative staff and a nominated GP champion from each practice.

The HERE organisation have approached us to ask if a  GP Champion in Sunderland would be interested in delivering the GP champion session of the training to other GPs in the region and if so to let them know. They report they are finding it increasingly difficult to send a GP from Brighton for a 2 hour training session to various locations across England and would like to find some willing GPs in the North! ‘’. If any GP is interested in getting involved in this piece of work please contact Karen Swaile at the Alliance: [email protected].